-I had no idea that's how you create the 'gradation lip' looks..
-I don't like it.. It doesn't even look pretty at all..
-It just looks like they have an extremely dry lips..
-That trend is over.. It's all in the past now..
-That looks make you look sick..
-That looks like the typical make up that middle-schooler would do..
-That looks so weird.. So old-fashioned..
-It just looks weird because the trend is over.. It looked really pretty when it was still trending back then..
-It looks like she just drank a bottle full of blood..
-I suit gradation lip rather than full lip so that's how I do my make up everyday.. But I don't make it look like the ones in the post..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Looks bad but Choa looks pretty with it..
-It just looks like your lipstick has faded away because you ate something..
-I remember when that was the biggest trend in the whole country.. It looks bad now that I'm looking back at it..
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