Yook Sungjae, imagining how BTOB would be in 50 years.
Caution, this post may cause you to tear up.. Let's imagine how BTOB would be in 50 years.
Leave some comments if there are anything you would like to add..ㅋㅋ
How the future fangirls would be..ㅋㅋㅋ
Everything that is written here is 100% real, from the conversation they had in one of their live broadcast. It's not a fan-fiction.
It was the last day of 2018, BTOB's Yook Sungjae and Peniel did a live broadcast.
They started off by greeting their fans and started to talk about stuffs
SJ: ?? Now I'm already half of 50 years old.. Whoa, Minhyuk hyung is turning 30 years old next year??
PN: Eunkwang hyung too..
SJ: Whoa.. BTOB is turning into Uncle-dol now.. Uncle-dol..ㅋㅋㅋ
SJ: BTOB is going to promote until we all have two kids, everyone
(NB: Idol is pronounced as 아이돌/A-i-dol in Korean, Sungjae is making a pun 아이둘/A-i-dul which sounds similar and it means 아이 -> kids, 둘 -> two)
And since then, Yook Sungjae and Peniel are bursting with wild ideasㅋㅋㅋ
1. Yook Sungjae imagining BTOB with kids
SJ: 'Dad is going to Music Show Core now~~ You have to watch the show life! Bye bye~~ Give me a kiss~~ Eat something delicious while I'm gone~~'
Peniel: *can't imagine* Ah.. It would probably feel really weird by then..
Sungjae: Hey, Peniel!! How are your kids?? *gets excited by imagining it*
Peniel: I sent them to The States!! They're studying abroad!!
-Making a video call with their sons in the waiting room-
Sungjae: My boys~~ My sons~~ Do you want to meet the uncles here?? Changsub hyung, come her and greet my sons~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2. Imagining BTOB at old age, they already have grandkids by then.
Sungjae: Aigo, our grandkids~ Your grandfather is off to Music Show Core now~~ㅋㅋ
Peniel: What kind of song would we be singing by then??
Sungjae: We would be BTOB-G by then! BTOB-Grandfather!! I can't live without medicines!~~ It has to be medicines~~ (NB: making fun of Only U)
*reads the comments*
Sungjae: Oh! BTOB-G and Melody-Gㅎㅎ BTO-G and Mello-G..
At this moment, Melodies are starting to imagining things as well.
Melodies: Kids, your grandmother is off to watch BTOB live now~~
Sungjae, Peniel: *bursts out laughing*
Sungjae: That's right, you guys still need to watch us live even if you turn into grandmothers.. We will prepare you a VIP section, a waiting room with heater in it.
3. Old-BTOB making a special goods and merchs for Melodies
Sungjae: Something like a stomach warmer~ With BTOB's logo on it~
Peniel: *gets excited* What is it.. Dentures!! With BTOB's logo!!ㅋㅋㅋ
Melodies: *comments about walking sticks*
Sungjae: A massage chair would be great too
Peniel: Oh~~ A stone pillow!!
Sungjae: BTOB's stone bed!!
Peniel: Electric pad!!
And so much more, such as Hwatu/Flower cards, Baduk set, etc..
4. This time, Melodies are the one who's bursting with idea!! They're talking about the fan-support they would give to Old-BTOB
Melodies: Korean traditional medicines! Red Ginseng! Hearing aid!!!
Sungjae: *bursts out laughing* Oh.. You will give us hearing aids instead of in-ears?? *creates a roleplay* The staff would say, 'BTOB get ready please~~' and BTOB would be busy inserting their hearing aid and say, 'What did you say~~??'// 'Hyung can you hear the song?' // 'Yeah!' // 'I can't live without medicines~~'ㅋㅋㅋ
Peniel: It would take us so long to prepare then.. We probably would need an extra 10 minutes just to prepare..
Sungjae: Imagine Peniel hyung is in the middle of singing and out of the sudden his dentures just come out from his mouth..ㅋㅋㅋ He would be like, 'Gosh.. Wait a minute!!!'ㅋㅋㅋ
Peniel: *continues Sungjae's joke* 'My dentures!! Wait a minute!!'ㅋㅋ
Sungjae: Denture-niel..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. This time, they're talking about ISAC
Melodies: How would you guys attend ISAC by then?
Sungjae: It wouldn't be ISAC anymore.. It would be Grandfathers Stars Athletic Championship by then..
Peniel: Running with walking stick..ㅋㅋㅋ
Sungjae: Jumping with walking stick!!
Peniel: They would compete about who can throw the walking stick the furthest.. Ah!! Spitting dentures the furthest too!
Sungjae, Melodies: *bursts out laughing*
Peniel, Sungjae: *works hard to pretend as if they were spitting dentures* *they act as if they were really going to do that the next day*
Peniel: Let's have a hearing aid competition..ㅋㅋ Whose ear can hear the best? Raise your hand if you hear the sound!!
--End of imagining--
SUngjae: I really want to promote for a really long time~~ You guys will still like us until then, right?
Melodies: Yes!!!
Sungjae: You can't be like, 'I'm already old now.. I need to stop following Sungjae Oppa~~'!!
Sungjae: No, I made a mistake.. Don't follow me~~ But come to see me~~ It's kinda creepy to imagine you guys following me for the rest of my lifeㅋㅋㅋ
Peniel: Oh my gosh~~ㅋㅋㅋ
Sungjae: Even when we grow old later, when we meet each other in the street *changes his voice to grandmother's voice* 'Oppa~ I bought you this rice cake. Eat some~ Eat this and gain some strength for your promotions~' Please greet us like that!
After a while, he thought of something again.
Sungjae: Ah! That would be really nice, 'After Grandfather Went To Sleep'
Peniel: How about 'After Grandkids Went To Sleep'??
Sungjae: Ah, this makes me want to grow old faster.. I really want to become a grandfather..
And then, they ended their live broadcast.
They always say about how they want to keep singing until the day they die, how they would be BTOB for the rest of their life. It's very lovely and adorable to hear that. BTOB, please stay healthy and do promote together as a group for a really really long time~~ You may be spending the next 5 to 6 years with some of you serving in the military, but you still have 70 years left to promote as BTOB together..
1. [+68][-1] I hope for all of them to stay healthy and promote for a really really long time..
2. [+67][-1] Why are they so lovely..ㅠㅠ That live broadcast was really funny..ㅋㅋㅋ BTOB and Melodies would still be together even if we turn into grandmothers and grandfathers, it's already funny just by imagining it..ㅋㅋ They're seriously so adorable..ㅜㅜ
3. [+66][-0] Finding BTOB and joining their fandom was my biggest luck in my entire life. It still is and it still would be in the future. I made a great decision by stanning them. I sincerely have no regret and loving my life as BTOB's fangirl.
4. [+38][-0] They're seriously joking around in the possibly most adorable way ever..ㅋㅋㅋ Their fans are so cute as well..ㅋㅋ
5. [+33][-0] Spitting dentures.. 'I can't live without medicines'..ㅋㅋㅋ I'm not a fan of BTOB but this is really funnyㅋㅋㅋ
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